Private educational institution of additional education «STILSOFT Training Center» was founded in 2013. The leading specialized center in the Stavropol territory for training specialists working with complex security systems.
The goal of the Training Center is to create conditions for specialists’ professional growth in order to effectively operate and support STILSOFT products.
The Training center is equipped with all necessary tools for theoretical and practical learning of the entire range of equipment and systems produced by STILSOFT.

5 demonstration stands,
15 computer workstations.

operating equipment samples, demo versions
and educational posters.

educational process with consecutive
translation into English language.

which is located next to the Training Center.
The trial ground demonstrates main products manufactured by STILSOFT.
Unique material and technical base allows teachers of the Training Center to apply the most effective forms and methods of training to improve the quality of the educational process.
Educational activities of the Training Center are based on the needs of customers and concrete products specific of application.
Educational activities of the STILSOFT Training Center are carried out under the license reg. no.5099 of 12.10.2016 (series 26LO1 no. 0001350), issued by the Ministry of Education and Youth Policy of the Stavropol Territory. The license is termless.
Director of the Training Center:
Igor Svistunov
Russia, 355042, Stavropol City, Vasilkovaya street, 29
Opening hours:
Monday-Friday 09:00 am - 18:00 pm (Moscow time)
Tel: +7 (8652) 52-44-44 (ext 263)
Fax: +7 (8652) 52-88-88
E-mail: edu@stilsoft.ru